Saturday, May 28, 2011

Missing the Snow

Coming from a nation plunged into darkness and cold for most parts of the year, spending time in the Tropical regions of the world seems like a great vacation. It does replenish ones energies and I can't say I miss the snow too much. That's what I told myself at least. I am starting to realize that I do miss some parts of the frozen world. This being mainly Snowboarding and what comes with it.
Snowboarding is a passion of mine I discovered not too many years ago. I'm mainly self though and like most people I had my part of bloodied noses and bruises. This being said I still love the sport and would recommend anyone to try it.
I specially remember this one night in Andorra where my buddy Simon Wagemyr and I decided to play around in the fresh snow after a beer or two.

This is some footage of us playing around in Soldeu after we left our "go to" bar, The Harp.

A night on the town from Filip Marzuki on Vimeo.

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