Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chiba the Shadowland of Black Medicne

In Japan, sleep deprived and exhausted I needed to set things right. Remembering this "In Japan, he'd known with a clenched and absolute certainty, he'd find his cure. In Chiba. Either in a registered clinic or in the shadowland of black medicine. Synonymous with implants, nerve-splicing, and microbionics, Chiba was a magnet for the Sprawl's techno-criminal subcultures..." I set my path towards Chiba.

Though modern day Chiba is strangely riddled with love hotels and morally unprude little shops blasted in in a dense semi suburbia my vice of choice was Lemon CC. Lemon CC is a drink mainly sold in Japan and is basically a vitamin C bombarded lime sofa of sorts. I haven't had one of these for about five years now and sipping on it as Iw alked down the street it really hit me. I'm in Japan again. Japan the land of inverse rules. Where things randomly makes so much sense and at the same time not at all.
Every time I come here I'm alawys plesently suprised by the politness of people and also not so plesently suprised with high prices of transportation.
One of these interesting things is that despite having an incredible internet and mobile internet penetration Wi-fi was easier to find in Africa and in remote parts of Indonesia. I do have to admit that if any country would be the first to be taken over by robots and zombies of zenchnology it would be japan.
In fact I think it's pretty munch self explanatory once one has checked out the rice cooker/transformer/robotic wife..

But back to the fixed of reality and less of the cyberpunk universe of the apocalypse which turned out a bit diferently that expected. But not that differently (Fukushima..)

Hello Food!
I'd like to say hi to along missed friend of mine called ramen setto! for a mere 680 yen dug on three plates of food or rather two bowls and a platter. This being a bowl of Ramen, a bowl of rice and a platter of gyoza. Although my home town of Stockholm boast with a godzilllion sushi restaurants it's desperately lacking on the other Japanese departments. So Yay for food.

For balance I'd like to share my experience with a Calpis Kiwi cocktail that was surprisingly good. Not being a big fan of calpis which in Swedish sounds way to similar to veal piss I was not expecting anything remarkable. At lest not in the good direction. I was happily surprised. The kiwi made all the difference and the coctail was remarkably fresh although not much of the white rum was coming out in the drink.

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