Saturday, March 19, 2011

Are Chips Maggots?

When travelling, one mission always stays the same. The endeavour to sample new and exiting foods. You might not know yet but I love food. I love to eat every kind of it and a lot too. Well a lot for some people at least. Can't say I even ate an averaged sized serving last weak in Seattle. Those Americans really know how to eat. Maybe stuff themselves is a more appropriate description though. Moving away from a rant about how hard it is to stay in shape in the US and back to the current time and location, I'm doing my best to sample the local Thai cuisine. Besides going with the Thai stomach it's also a very affordable way staying alive and well.

I'd like to recommend the curry noodle from northern Thailand. It's an egg noodle dish of moderate heat and your choice of meat. Most predominately it goes with chicken. Ones mind might wander to the curry udon of Japan but the similarities ends there. The curry sauce in itself has the consistency of thick soup as is perfectly enjoyable all by itself. The noodles are good but nothing special by them self. They are plain egg noodles but go well with the curry sauce. It's a yellowish curry similar to paneng curry but with a meatier and spicier flavour.
So far this was my favourite dish among the northern style dishes I had. Other food worth mentioning are the fresh crab salad and fried insect mix. Oh and by fresh I mean raw.

To describe these foods the crab was similar to oyster in consistency and tasted mostly of chili and citrus. Surprisingly the fried maggots share many qualities with your every day store bought chips.

From Life On the Go

Eating cheaply, of course, leads to other vices that drain the small funds I have. One of them being ice cream. It's crazy that an ice cream at Seven Eleven can cost me 40 baht and more when I can get a meal for 25 baht. It's not even like it's a super fancy bucket of ice cream either. Oh snap now I miss my Ben and Jerry's.

Taking the day off in Bangkok to study and get my internet fix. Planning on getting a dive masters down in Koh Lanta so I figure I'll get a heads up and do as much of the theory when I can. Also I've been a good boy and read some articles on mobile banking and diffusion patters. Not exactly the topic of my blog but this is what I'll be doing for two months in Indonesia so could be good to prepare properly.
Thought long and hard about where to do my dive masters and Koh Lanta's six islands weren't actually my first choice. But due to other circumstances it's where I'll be spending quite a bit of time anyway. So why not.

Oh and I'd like to share a tech tip for anyone going to Thailand for an extended period of time. Data roaming services are not too expensive if you get a Thai phone card. A prepaid card with a months unlimited data services and around a 100 baht worth of texting and calling goes for roughly 1000 baht. An investment I've never regretted and had use for many a time. It's especially fun when you tell the cabdriver that the traffic is heavy on this specific route and he might take another one. Damn are they surprised you know these things. Go go technology.

Stay tuned for a post on backpackers and customer service


  1. this picture reminds me of the can of silk worm u gave me from korea... which i left in my lab =p don't know what happened to it... hahaha

  2. Yeah haha, I remember that. I doubt that Japanese guys in your lab would have taken the liberty to enjoy those worms though.
    Maybe you should give me something edible this time. It's my birthday after all ;)
