Monday, July 30, 2012

The Five Days of Crayfish

Crayfish season is coming up again in a few weeks. I however happened to get invited to a pre pre-crayfish party. Being me and having awesome friends, we decided to go by Kayak and adventure.

The plan was to kayak for three days hit the party just in time and kayak back. It did not go quite as planned though. It turned out to be a hell of a chill out place and thus we decided to establish base camp.

Using Karolinska Institutets (KI) place in the Archipelago we did daily trips by kayak in the archipelago. Rock Climbing, Fishing, Kayaking and the occasional crawdad was achieved.

I strongly recommend kayaking the in the inner archipelago of Stockholm. It's a great way to get to know the land and waters which make up Stockholm and have contributed to what the area is today. In my opinion it might be the most beautiful archipelago around.

There were more than a few homely culinary treats out in our back yard. Fresh berries really helped give the pancakes that little extra touch. Who in their right mind can fail to appreciate fresh pancakes, ice cream, whip cream and fresh berries? Oh and so the pancakes here are the thin ones, the ones Americans call crepes, The original pancakes :p

Ending every night with a fire is more or less the rule out in our summer life style. Although "Danger Mouse" and associates had a fascination for huge fires we all escaped unharmed, something the leftovers from the burnt down sauna did not.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sällskapsresan - På Tur

This weekend I had a true Sällskapsresan like experience as we headed north for a mini expedition of hiking in the Swedish "wilderness". first of all It might be good for me to explain the concept of sällskapsresan. It's  a classic series of movies written, directed and starred my the Swedish icon Lasse Åberg. The movies all star a quite geeky and a bit lost guy who is not always in touch with the times.
Read more about the original movie here. there are however several follow ups and the one called snow roller is definitively my favorite.

Our mission this weekend was to climb Sweden's tallest mountain, Kebnekaise. Despite only bolstering a 2102 meter rise above sea level it's trickier to climb than one might think due to fickle weather and that it's way into the polar region. There are two essential ways of getting to the top. The west route and the east route. Taking the west one is the technically easier alternative but also more physically demanding, while the east path heads over a nice glacier and sport a short stretch of climbing. I'ts about the easiest climbing one can think of and would most likely be a French 3 on the free climbing scale (basically a ladder or a stair). We aimed for the est path, booked a guide and got ready to get up. After walking up by, not the alarms, but by the wind pounding the canvas over our heads, I had my suspicions. Although out alpine tent managed just fine in the wind it was soon made clear to us that the wind might be a bit rough. Estimating it to be around 15 m/s we figured we'd give it a go. The guide disagreed.

The wind was in fact 25 m/s. It was cloudy and snowing. Although hoping for better weather throughout the day and night so that we might see the top, no such luck was to be found.
The back up plan was walking around in the area, taking in the sites and enjoying trading stories with other hikers. All in all a quite leisurely time spent.

I learned and relearned a lot from this trip and I think it was a great refresher for my trekking experiences. After three days and 54 kilometers my muscles are remarkably ok considering I haven't exercised trekking or any serious attempt at running in years. What I felt was a problem physically was my endurance, my tendons (particularly my paterllar tendon) and my ankles.

On my way up I had just thrown the stuff I could fin on very short notice and some extra stuff that I had managed to get on the way, resulting in a extremely poorly packed backpack and plastic bags. Having struck camp I finally managed to fix this and the rest of the walk was quite different in terms of weight and comfortability of my backpack.
I'm a bit interested in going again as we never hit the top but I might be even more interested in doing it winter time.

during our time in the region we realized me and Stefan where quite like the main characters in sällskapsresan. Stefan sporting shorts and knee socks was obviously playing Stig and me wearing my colorful clothing, taking about gadgets, and to random people, took on the role of Ole, despite not being Norwegian. We even added an excited Brit to our party, Snowroller style. We met him on our way up to the fjällstationen (alpine station) and he was the only party we did not overtake trekking up there. I think he was the most stoked about climbing the mountain of all the people in the region. As this Scotsman was as hindered as we were from climbing we ended up sharing a few cold ones instead which was not at all a bad way to go when you can't trek.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Trekking Prepp

I haven't been hiking in a long long time and so when we booked our trip up north to climb Sweden's tallest mountain, Kebnekaise, I was stoked.
I soon realize that I was firstly way out of shape for hiking and secondly that my gear might me equally out of shape.

This is what I planend to bring:

Clothing and Footwear

  • Rain Gear
  • Underwear
  • First Layer/Second Layer
  • Second/Third Layer
  • Third/Shell Layer
  • Hat and Gloves
  • 1st layer socks
  • 2nd layer socks
  • Short Pants or climbing pants
  • Hiking Boots
  • Rock climbing Shoes


  • Ground sheet
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Hygiene Bag
  • Alpine Tent

Cooking and Hygene
  • Water bottle/Hydration System
  • Thermos
  • Portable Kitchen
  • Cooking Fuel
  • Sharp Knife
  • Multi-Tools
  • Lights

  • Sun Glasses
  • Tape
  • Sun Screen
  • Med pack

The Gadgets

  • GoPro Camera
  • Lumia 800, Smart Phone 
  • Nikon D200
  • Sony HDR CX-180

This is what I forgot to bring or did not have time to find:

  • Sun Glasses (can't find mine)
  • Tape (forgot)
  • Sun Screen (Not a priority)
  • First Aid (don't have one)
  • Multi tool (I got my knife)
  • Lights (not a priority as it's light all night and day)
  • Water bottle/hydration system (frustrated over not finding any of my systems. I would have liked to bring my camel-back system.)
  • cooking fuel (no time)
  • ground sheet (can't find it)
  • gloves
  • Salt, pepper and spices

I also noticed I might need:

  • Utensils
  • Washing equipment
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Lighter

Since I have a few hours during work today and also between work and catching the train I'll try to get these items in the following order of importance:

  1. Water bottle
  2. Utensils
  3. Mosquito repellent
  4. Ground sheet
  5. Lighter
  6. Washing equipment
  7. Gloves
I'll outsource the cooking fuel to Stefan ;)

I'll let you know how the trip went.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Them Were Some Hard Balls to Crack

As the the peeps in the Big Bang Theory we are a bunch of over educated boys gone.. older. So we decided to  have a go at playing war again, just like kids. In other words it was Paintball time.

Seven of us made it there through the hardships of being far away out in the woods outside of Stockholm. These where however seven damn brave samurai. Yup, damn right we were.

Realizing we where playing pros with pro guns and shit it was a bit more scary, but we had a blast anyway.
Besides it was a good opportunity to try out my new GoPro mounts. Sadly I have no other fast way to mix my footage than using MS live movie maker which keeps messing and bugging out.

Sadly I have no other fast way to mix my footage than using MS live movie maker which keeps messing and bugging out.

The evening was rounded off with some nice Indian Food with birthday boy Stefan who I think might be hurting the most of all of us. So it was almost like an Indonesian style birthday event, except for the cake.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Post Mortem from Technical Writing in a Surprise Lean/Agile Environment

Not too long ago I was assigned the task to write the documentation for this new product. although slightly bigger than the standard document size in my field I did no think it would be a big issue tackling the task.
I would be gravely proven wrong. In fact this project would grow and eat up all my time leaving my looking like a question mark a whole bunch of times.

The main reason the this project came to be more complicated that is should have been was in my opinion these factors.

Inconsistent Project Directions from customer
The documentation type, quality and target audience requirements kept changing for about half the project.

Not knowing what type of work process the customer used
Previously not dealing with lean/agile methods for this customer, not knowing they started using this for this team made previous processes quite inadequate.

Previous projects of this type did not follow the guidelines
In addition to creating new documentation it was later added to merge similar projects not following the specified requirements into this project.

Time Constraint
This was all done with a very short time frame. I believe it was the fasted up to date for our customer.

This in turn lead to a series of problems. I have listed the ones I found to be the most time and energy consuming below.

This Specific Project
  • Not knowing the project used lean/agile methods of working
  • Having my assignment description changed
  • Doubting all information channels
  • Not being on site
  • Inconsistency in input documents
  • Not attending daily project meetings
  • Working with off shore assets
  • Doubting all information channels
  • Weekly changes due to the scrum iterations

I'll try to illustrate by showing where my time went at first.

When I realized that they where working in a lean environment with daily project meetings. I started attending them and changed my approach. I found out that information flow to follow and somewhat decided on one of the order requirements. As a result my time could be spent somewhat differently.
Looking at the purple section which shows the time where I can actually produce content one can instantly see a huge increase in time spent (This is a good thing). Freeing up time from getting the right information made and instructions made it at all possible to finish this project although many a late night was required.

From this experience I take some lessons learned with me for future projects. Some are general issues that

Lessons Learned
  • Know how your team is working
  • Attending daily project meetings
  • Work flow focus
  • Review Process
  • Communications in and outside the team
  • Workload
  • Identifying and contacting SMEs
  • Identifying project goals and project type early
  • Identify document type
  • Who is the target audience
  • Key points to cover
  • Document style
Let me know if you have any ideas or opinions on this.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bouldering Getaway

This weekend we focus on some more physical activities. The name of the game is bouldering. Bouldering is a part of the general sport of rock climbing. What makes bouldering bouldering is that one only climbs lesser heights and without the aid of ropes.

Getting back into the Stockholm scene I decided to get into this sport which has seen a high increase in popularity during the last few years. After all it's like this almost valid excuse to climb trees and be a kid again ;)

I've engaged in bouldering for about two and a half month or so now after getting back and I've finally gotten to the level where I don't fall down on everything. Yay!
After our usually sauna time after hanging upside down Stefan told us about the cool spots on Åland that we could climb.
Åland is technically a part of Finland but they speaks Swedish and actually wanted to belong to Sweden back in the day when the decision was made.
Ok, lets go! I replied and so we arranged to go two weekends after or so.

Getting to Åland is quite simple and one can just take the ferry over from a number of locations.To find some good info just check out Ålands tourist office. To find more specifics about bouldering spots take a look at

The bouldering was fantastic and it's was an awesome weekend. I recommend this to anyone that likes rock climbing and nature.