Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sexual Quantum Leep

The mating and grooming habits of the Indonesians or specially the Jakartoon is something that needs a peek at. First of all one should be aware of that the heavily religious nature of the country tends to foster prudish notions. So a conception of sex before marriage being inferior to sex after marriage is the status quo, on the surface. In reality many young couples engage in sexual activities.

For me it's more the way there and what other implications this brings that's interesting. As the image, surface or face is what counts it is ofc seen as very obscene and maybe too exciting with public displays of affection (PDA). But there are modern and cool people that may hold hands while walking and things like that. For making out, you can forget it. This is way beyond the J-towners borders. You will however see foreigners doing this with small or no attempts of prevention by the locals. This lack of displays of affection has even seemed to enter the private domain. What I mean with this is that few attempts to engage in physical interaction will occur before there is a clear indication the coupleing. This gives rise to an interesting process of sexual exploration. Which I call the Sexual Quantum Leep effect. Here is small summary of what might happen during courting.

  1. you get her number from a friend
  2. you text, cause it might be so scary for her if you call out of the blue...
  3. you call
  4. you go for dinner, coffee or something like that
  5. you repeat this and also engage in lots of BBM activeties (black berry messenger. Yes, I too was hoping for a more exciting explination to this ebriviation)
  6. maybe you get introduced to your respective friends
  7. Eventually BAM! you are a couple
  8. Now it might be considered ok to do the down and dirty, if he or she is open to that at all.
  9. Sexual Quantum Leep --- Sex, touching and kissing follows.
Now it might be me, the traveller from a coulture far, far away that got some of this wrong or right and I'm just unused to the schematics of it all. But for you, mcompañeros in exploration to understand my notion of this casm I'll copare to the process I'm used to.

Live Conversation 1 Non sexual physical contact Moderate N/A
Live Interaction 2, Kissing, Making out High N/A
Continued Live interactin Sex Very High N/A
Coupeling or non-coupleing relations Sexual Exploration Extreamly High Sex

The Americans use a baseball analogy to help quantify the sexual progress in a given senario. to help us define this sexual progress leep I will also use numerics. from 1-4. Since the relationship building progress seem to share sertain characteristics these will be used as a base measurement.

As you can see the rate of sexual advances is significantly higher for the Jatowneese than the sample population of my experience. This means that when it comes to that last step it's a all or nothing situation where there is little previous experience to build on. One can easily make comparisons to a vast amount activities like flying an airplane with no previous training in a simulator and such but I will refrain from that. Instead I'd like to highlight some side effects of this environment which might me interesting.
So stay tuned for a second report of social interaction and grooming in Jakarta.

1 comment:

  1. XD. You did it! I'll tell you my comments tonight, after quiet reading.
