Monday, June 13, 2011

Global Ashes

One of the greatest natural disasters mankind has experienced proclaimed itself with the loudest sound ever heard. It was reported up to 4,800 km away. 1883 was the year that the Volcano Krakatau exploded spewing ashes so high up as to make them rain down on the other side of the world.
Naturally I couldn't decline the opportunity to climb the remnants of the original volcano, anak Krakatau (child Krakatau).
The island is located in the Sundanese strait between Java and Sumatra. Getting there is not very easy being a foreigner. Luckily we got access to the island thanks to hiering a boat for two days. The trip also included a few other nearby islands and I'd definitely recommend going here.

From lifeonthego

Our trip started out in Jakarta. Making our way by buss to the Sundanese strait where we took the regular ferry over. The ferry is very local and thus also cheap. I think the whole three day experience cost less than 500 Rp including everything. From Sumatra we used the two smaller boats to travel around the islands finally staying at polau Sebesi.
Some of us stayed at rented rooms while I my room mates stayed at a locals house. Sleeping there was a adventure in itself for my part. Having forgotten, that I had actually brought mosquito repellent I had to endure the hundreds of little bloodsuckers having their way with me all night. Needles to say I didn't get much sleep on this trip.
My counter strategy contained a lot of sleeping at all opportunities that where given while on deck.

From lifeonthego

Climbing Krakatau in the heat showed me one thing and reminded me of another. First that I'm very, very out of shape and I really need to do something about that. Secondly that volcanoes really smell of sulfur. It's quite interesting how the smoking sulfur spots on the volcano resembles ice. It really made me want to snowboard actually.

I hastily put a small video together for you guys. Oh I'm currently using Windows Movie Maker and it's quite infuriating. I wish I had access to a better editor but this is what I have for free. If you have any other suggestions on good software let me know. I used Adobe Premiere before and I was a great program but is there anything good for a windows laptop?
Anyway here it is.

I was invited to a trip with friends and couch surfers and this is some of the footage from it.

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