Monday, June 6, 2011

The Visa Experience

Carrying a Swedish passport I'm used to having an easy time through customs and immigration, in most countries. As one of the most financially stable countries out there the western world usually have no problems excepting us and being a socialist nation helps when dealing with the previous communist nations. One country that one think would encourage Swedish and other tourist to spend money in their developing country is Indonesia.
Indonesia is a vast archipelago and possibly the absolute destination of divers and nature enthusiast. More beaches and better water than one can imagine it's heavily under touristed except for the obvious destination of Bali.
One way of extending the 30 day visa of arrival, 25$ visa with another 30 days is to extend it at the immigrations office.
An important note is that you don't have to wait with extending it as it adds 30 days from the expiration date of your current visa and not from the date you apply. I was uncertain about this and ended up waiting until way to late for it to be comfortable. Specially since the government suddenly declared my intended day of application a national bridge holiday (a non-holiday made holiday because of it being preceded and succeeded by holidays)

It's definitely the cheapest way to get it done and this was my experience.

  1. get to the immigrations office
  2. the reception
  3. go 2 floors up to the 4th floor
  4. figure out where to go (no english signs)
  5. buy a folder of papers 5k rp
  6. get a photocopy of your passport 1k rp
  7. get your picture taken 10k
  8. fill in the forms and have your sponsor do the same
  9. got counter 1
  10. wait
  11. go to counter 2
  12. wait
  13. go to counter 3
  14. wait
  15. go back to counter 1
  16. wait
  17. go downstairs and wait at the casheers, pay
  18. go back up to counter 1 and turn in your papers
  19. wait
  20. go back to counter 1 and get your stuff
  21. go to counter 0 and get a photocopy of your passport again, now with the visa extension
  22. go back to counter 1
  23. wait
  24. counter 1 and retrieve your visa extension
  25. Yay, all done!
  26. go celebrate or go home
This all seems to be simple enough... It takes one full working day with travel time to and from the office. Peering into the counters and the offices behind them reviled a vast landscape of minions processing passports. I'm quite sure there must have been about 5 people working for every 1 person on business at the office.

I've made a simple visualization of the process so that you might get a better understanding of it.
Oh and this is my very first attempt to play around with 2d animation software so please forgive the simple work. Oh and I would appreciate any tips of free 2d animation tools and tutorials for future attempts.

Having to extend an Indonesian Visa on arrival I figured I'd give you some insight on the process.


  1. nice! you're very creative, oh and I like the background music too! ^^

  2. Thx, the experience first became tedious but as time went on it became more and more humorous.

  3. hahaha....can't help lol!
    nice music though!

  4. Thx, yeah I accidentally found that music.

  5. Exactly the same what happened to me while extending the visa in Bandung 2009.
    Will have to face that again in around 1.5 month.

  6. Oh yeah. One always hopes for a smother process but it's not likely to happen. Funny thing is that this is the fast version.
