Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Culture Shock Cure

As a visit to my home country of Sweden approaches I face a small boggle of mine. After spending most of my time speaking other languages than Swedish my language has become, well non default. When meeting Swedish people or Nordic people while traveling I tend to automatically switch away from Swedish. So what to do. Well as I aim not to alienate people nor lose friends when I come back to my beloved "svedala" I have a remedy to fix this. Inspired by my friend Abinash in Kuala Lumpur I have a diet packed with Swedish online tv shows. Yes everything from Linda Rosing (Swedish crap C-celebrity) to humor shows like breaking new. Having less than 24h until deadline I feel it's going my way. This despite the problems of watching Swedish tv online. For some reason they like to make it annoying by restricting access to Swedish IP numbers. Anyway last batch of Swedish before departure will be breaking news tonight at 22:00. Je vais l'empoter!

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