Thursday, September 8, 2011

Flying Sick

A few of my friends go: Oh that's totally like my second home, when they arrive in a country they've spent some time in. I go just like that when I arrive at airports. It's a strange homey feeling oozing out of these air harbors  After all, the similarities are much bigger at airports than in society in general. Saying this I am not trying to cover up the many annoying experiences of the many crappy airports out there. Yes there are a whole bunch of them. The Swedish ones that I rank as these are Skavsta and Nykopings Ryan air airports. But I won't get started with my carrier bashing in this post, too.
The thing I wanted to highlight that I so often forget is the importance of being comfortable in a flight. Pillows, blankets and candy is not what I'm talking a bout here. It's the importance of staying warm and rested. Why? Well your health.
Feeling like I'm getting down with a little something the only place that I can think of with abundant sneezing and sniveling in a confined space was my flight to Paris. So If you are ever planning to fly with a low cost carrier or any carrier that likes recycles the air a godzillion times and puts the air conditioning on freezing to save glod. Bring warm clothing. And maybe also one of those Japanese moth guards surgeons and Japanese subway commuters weir.

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