Wednesday, September 28, 2011

No more bread? Why don't you eat cake?

After pondering on the hard and life changing question, whether we should get another baguette for breakfast or not my girlfriend quickly ended my philosophic contemplating.
- oh we don't need another one we have this.
Whereas I reply isn't that cake?
And get a yeah as a response.
It all suddenly became clear to me. In this country of Marie Antoinette, breakfause and other meals can be sweet. It was until now my misconception that her quote might have been a tad disconnected from relity. In fact it would have been a very natural response, from a french person. After all if one does not have bread. Cake will certainly do.
-"nom nom nom"
Yeah that was me munching away at my cake here. it's a "Marbre" cake or a "Tigerkaka" (literally tiger cake) in Swedish. I'm not sure what it's called in English but I'm sure it's familiar to you as it's one of the easiest cakes to make.
Although I'm quite familiar with this type of cake I rarely eat it other than as desert or as a complement to a cup of coffee. Here it's breakfast. Breakfast is usually small and sweet here. Quite the contrast to a more hardy Swedish breakfast of crisp bread, cheese, porridge and serial. Mind you now that we're not talking about some über sweet serial from some candy company what I'm talking about are the equivalent to All Brans or hardier. Maybe a bowl of Musli. Oh I miss my Musli now. I even miss the beloved porridge. Maybe it does need a bit of jam in there to make it go down nicely but still..

 Then again food is always what you miss from home. And when In Rome do as the Romans so I should stop complaining. After all I do enjoy my freshly baked baguettes, croissant or even cakes in the morning. Maybe I'm just becoming Frenchified, thus the complaining...

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