Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cheap flights

I have this problem. I'm flying to pairs and not this is not the problem. The problem is that I'm flying from south east Asia equipped with only flip-flops and beach wear. As I'm not made out of money or have a income at all in fact It's time to figure out how to not spend to much changing a wardrobe. Shopping! Well in that case I should do it here. Or a quick flight back and forth from Sweden. That would surly cost me at least 1500 SEK or 150 EUR plus another 500 SEK or 50 EUR for small expenses in Sweden. Question is. What can I get for that amount of cash circa 1000 Malay Ringgit. And what do I need?
Well long pants would be nice. Shirts, a suit, some shoes and a jacket would definitively not be out of line. Also it would be nice to get some of my little gifts for people back home to a more convenient location. Specially after loosing a bag of stuff including paintings for my mum in Bali.

So "Pros" and "Cons" of shopping versus flying. 

  • I know exactly what I have at home. No energy lost on finding stuff.
  • Swedish food
  • Friends and family
  • Board-game time with brother and friends
  • Leave the stuff I currently have
  • A renewal of insurance periods
  • Wasting time where I could be working or looking for work in Paris
  • Time consuming
  • Having to search through the jungle of cheap flights
  • minimum cost of circa 200EUR 2000SEK or 300 USD
  • It's fun
  • New stuff
  • It's tedious
  • costly
  • I'm not sure what's out there
  • time consuming
  • Cost circa circa 200EUR 2000SEK or 300 USD
Sometime the pure thought of filtering through budget airlines if a horror or joy in itself. I'd say it depends on the mood one is in. Maybe the worst part if doing it right now as the Starbucks I'm currently using as my little office is occupied by babies and their guardians. Oh screaming little parasites how I loath you near me. The second most annoying thing must be all the hidden fares of budget airlines. Knowing that one must add 20EURx2 if one flies with Ryan Air just for bus transport to and from Stockholm. Adding another 15 EUR x2 if one flies to Paris with the same company. I have to give Norwegian airlines a pat on the shoulder here for sparing us this waste of time and money. Anyway then there are the cost of paying with a card when it's the only option and another bunch of hidden fees. Basically add 80-100EUR to any flight in sheer non optional additional cost.

Yes hello back SAS, suddenly your prices and services don't seem so bad after all. At least Airasia haven't come down with the hustling of Ryan air, yet..

Oh yeah and it looks like Flying will be my preferred option. Well at least of yesterdays dip in the Swedish Krona didn't bring prices up even further for flying.