Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bad Luck Batch

Things seem to come in batches. Weather it's fixes and updates for games, cheeses, or paintings. My batch of deliveries was in terms of bad luck. For those of you who has been wondering why my stream of writings seemed to have dried up (possibly only my mom) here is the explanation. After Jungle trecking in Sumatra and thanks to the impecable cleanliness of the pople I cough Typhoid and other viruses and bacterial infections. Adimebly some might have cought on later in Bali while trying to recover. Pile two small motorcycle accidents on top of that and there we go. But at least I've had Typhoid before so I knew what to expect. And not all of the other shit is incurable.
Almost all better now though and ready to write more about my love hate relationship of Bali, Australia. Which is now disputable. it might now be partly under french control, "ils sont partou!"
A river in Bali where the locals swim, fish, poop and get funked. The ability to do this comes from  training numerous times in the gutters and eating the clinically clean food served in street corners. A westerner like me would get massively sick by following their example. believe me I've tried, and failed. And since I believe in statistical backing I've done it more than once. Failed that it.

1 comment:

  1. What do I read? What is happening to you? Have you seen a good doctor? Försäkring IF om du blir sjuk! Kolla med dem om du får en allvarlig attack som kräver god vård. Blodtranfusion eller medikamenter som bygger på plasma eller blod kan vara infekterat så åk hem och kurera dig.

    Smycken ex i silver (Jag har för mig att det ska stå 870 eller 920 i stämpeln) är små lätta saker som kan köpas på Bali, tyg, kläder liksom konst också eventuellt?

    I replied your contacts that I can let out a room in Täby kyrkby. But so far nothing from them so first one in need I'll sign a contract for the first room.
    Birgitta och jag var på konventet 2011 och har tränat en massa nytt hela dagen...

    Rosanna is back from Norway (and back with Victor N) and school starts again on Monday, busy busy as you can understand. Be careful and find some good luck now! Miss you!
