Thursday, August 25, 2011

Same same but different

Walking up and down the allies of Kuta in Bali is like walking up and down the posh streets of Sweden, in a way.  At lest in the way of everything being the same. Same same but different as they say in this region. A friend of mine a young britt once found it to be such an amusing and endearing saying when his Thai "girlfriend" said it. He quickly realized that it was not something unique but something wide spread in the region. And it's all very true. Every shop, every business is same same, and not so different.
I recently had a conversation with Mark, the traveling film maker. As he was asked to do a piece on this guy who wanted to start a business in Ubud the natural question was what see him apart from everyone else. Why was his business special. There was no clear answer..
And this is the spirit of this same same mentality. There is nothing wrong about copying a successful concept but then again it won't be "successful" if you can't offer anything unique. Well unless you are the low cost (read lowest cost) provider. Every day I see so many things that could be improved, so many business ideas that will never see the day of light because of more same same businesses and Ideas here.

Then again. Checking out the concept of the tweet sized travel video I'd love to do a version of my own. With a twist ofc, but still. Maybe I'm just another same same...

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