Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Blue Hour, A swift beast

A mist the hordes of tourist, why not try something different.
Here we are shooting the reflection of the twin towers.
Today we where hunting the "Blue Hour". An event that takes place unusually late in Kuala Lumpur. in fact it took place between 20:30 and 20:50 or so. Not so much of an hour but still, it's the name for it. It got it's name from when the sky get that unnatural blue color on pictures that seem too good to be true. In fact this is kind of the case. I'll try to explain. Right after sunset there is still enough light in the sky but not too much. This is due to the blue wavelengths penetrating further in the atmosphere than other light (also in water but I'll leave under water photography to another time). During this hour, or minutes one might get a very colorful blue sky with longer exposure shots. This is in fact what you where observing in the previous post. My daa and I trying to time the perfect light at the petronas towers, Malaysia. Here is one example of the blue sky.
The reason this phenomenon takes place so late in Kuala Lumpur can be blamed on Singapore. Yes just like most things this too can be blamed on Singapore. After all they are most certainly yo blame for the much lesser success of Malay economy, Islamic degradation and hay why not world hunger to boot. Well actually they do pack a little guild in their golden vault for this one. Due to or at least party because of Singaporean business hours Malaysia has adopted their and Jakarta's time zone despite clearly being way ahead. This means that not only does the sun set really late here but ones could get a head ache trying to figure out daylight savings our when traveling around in the region if not aware. Either way, aim for sunset and right after if you wanna give it a go.

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