Sunday, August 14, 2011


In the future, the distant future. Robots have, oh no wait. It should be cybernetic beings have evolved and taken over. Hmm maybe that's not right either.
The year is 2011 and I come from a strange and upcoming breed of people. Cyborgs, or close. Constantly connected to the hive and approaching a singular consciousness duing the lifespan of our culture? Maybe. Dependent to a large degree on machines at least. Specially those enabling us and me to connect to the world wide web. I realize how handicapped I am as I try to maintain a gprs connection despite a power outage and almost no telecom coverage. The goal. To upload a picture. The goal isn't that important to me any more. Its just me fixating really. But since I'm at it, I WILL prevail. As power is running out of my phone which I'm using to access the gprs provider simpati telkomsel I'm trying to charge it from my dead computer battery.

Cyborgs are displayed as powerful beings in movies, a bit retarded in ways but still adaptable. However the early cyborg sucks big time. Filled with bugs and childhood diseases he goes through withrawl after only hours of disconnection from the hive. Many a time have I though of back home and rejoicing in the fact that infrastructure and communications are actually working. Maybe I should instead fear the fact that our dependencies make us so weak and unable to function in environments without these?

Maybe it's time for me to go to a deserted island and pull a Robinson out of my arse. I heard that a couple of fellow swedes did just this not long ago. I'd really like to give it a go. But knowing me maybe I'd get too bored and rebuild technology. In fact it'd be a blast going to a desert island and see how much one could create with a minimum amount of tools in one or a couple of months.

For now though I'll rejouce in the fact that I beat the power outage on this island.

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