Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Optical Howitzer: A father son experience

Displayed here is an Optical Howitzer.
Maneuvered by none other than my dad.
This machine will effectively use the fact
that light flows, yes just like really thick
water. Thus shooting in extremely high
parables one can get those otherwise
impossible "from space" shots by aiming
really really high. Or at least if one
mounted a "TwoFlower" on it.
And so it begins. That thing most people do, bond. I haven't really tried it too much in a while but it seems time and place decided for me.

I have a dad, like most people. And like most people there are similarities between father and son. For the last few months my dad has been traveling the world, taking pictures. For the last few months I've been traveling the world, taking not so many pictures. Today we met in Kuala Lumpur and so, it begins. 10 days of joint travel with my dad. about 15 years ago after our last road trip to somewhere I swore never to to that again. I must say I've been, not too bad at keeping my oaths. But I don't come unprepared. This time I have earplugs to combat snoring and a bag full of patience. After all, I'm going to Bali after this for continued ordinary days of awesomeness, which is my life. Narcissistic, no way! :p

We do share a few hobbies me and the old guy. One of those being Photography. Hes way more into it with a capital W, A and Y and I'm looking forward to getting a few good shots and a bunch of pointers. After all it would be a waste if I let this nicely compiled pack knowledge go to waste when it's so readily available.

Over the next week and a half there will most certainly be waiting, walking and changing of more lenses, filters, batteries and random trinkets than I will be able to count. Yes it's officially a photo trip and I have the honorary designation of Awesomest photographer #2 or pack mule as some refined scholar refer to, when wanting to be precise. It will be fun though. and who knows maybe I'll get some funny shots of my dad, Mowhahaha (evil laugh) to be posted on Facebook. A series of post touching photography will be following during the next few days. So stay tuned or stay away, depending on your interest in photography. Also if someone told you that you really need some pointers, stay tuned anyway. It's for your own good. I promise, no offence.
And a little night shot to start the photo posts

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