Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rama, damn at Pulau Weh

I came to Pulau Weh for one reason and one reason only, To dive. Turns our that it's also the only reason one would want to go here for, at least during Ramadan. I find this religious anomaly quite annoying here. Oh fill where is your sense of tolerance and cultural acceptance? Well I have plenty of that. I just believe that they are crazy, and not just for believing in make belief stories and such. As one secludes oneself in thought and resists temptation during the Islamic lent, the goal for me is to prove ones resolve and come closer to whatever idea one have chosen. For me removing all temptation is not the same as showing resolve. In fact it's the opposite. Its proving and showcasing ones weakness in resisting temptation. If one had real resolve life would go on as usual. Except that one would would restrain from the actions preventing one from though of a deity. So the less problem one would have in connecting to the unproven powers the less it would effect normal life.
This would lead to shops and such being open. Food served to those who wants it and no judgement being made. For making judgement on others would definitively restrain one from the self connecting to the object of prayers.

Anyway I's just me wanting to have food, drinks and thing readily available during normal hours. I would't care too much if it wasen't recommended and imposed on people by the local government and the Imams.

If you go during Ramadan, dive. Dive like crazy cause it's the only thing to do. It's also one of the greatest places to dive in the world.
Diving is a tad expensive though and single dives start around 25 EUR but discounts are give for more dives. I tried out Rubiah divers and Lumba lumba divers during my time here and I prefer to dive with Lumba lumb. The diving and guiding skills are good at both places but it's the atmosphere at Lumba lumba I like more. The availability of food, drinks and beer makes it the obvious chose for me.

Getting to Iboih from the Banda Aceh terminal will cost a bit with a taxi but is the only way to get there. The price varies a bit abut it's a bout 150.000 for a car, which is split-able. Some tourists will stay at "sumor tiga" but all the divers stay at Iboih which I recommend.
Prices for food and things are remarkably more expensive than other places in Indonesia and also compared to Malaysia. 35K for a chicken curry is what you will have to pay in the touristy areas and it's not much cheaper in the city of Sabang. What is really expensive are drinks, specially when it comes to drink other than water. If you can, do your shopping in town and stock up.

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