Thursday, July 14, 2011

Barefoot in the rain

Playing around with my pink balls, well not my balls. They where in fact Sandra's balls. Not usually pink but on fire the more professional name would be "Poi". Anyway, time has to be spent somehow and playing with ones balls is not a bad way to do it. This post is however not about balls. Not only anyway. As I was lounging around with my balls, waiting for my dive. As usual, I got chatting with some random people.This post is however not about these random people, not only anyway. What I learnt from these random people was that it was July 13.
I know what you're thinking now. Snap, damn, shit and a little crackle and pop on the side. Right?
I'll explain. I left KL city on a Friday looking to get away from the city, despite my appreciation for after works. Two days of diving at the Perhentians seemed like an excellent option. I decided to stay. Then I woke up and it was in fact today, which turned out to be a whole bunch of days later. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with friends in Singapore.
Well having a couple of hours (3) before the last ferry (read small speedboat normally fit for 6 people or so) it was the obvious conclusion to do a last dive at pinnacle. I mean all I had to do was.

  • Pack
  • Check out
  • Exchange money, since I had ran out of MR and there is no ATM on the island

  • Get a taxi boat out to the ferry
  • Pay for my dives
  • Say bye to all my homies on the island

I did manage to do the most of these things. Get to the dive site. Well we got a little delayed picking up a diver from the big island. Actual Diving Time; Pinnacle: 65 minutes. Getting there and back. Normally 30 minutes. With a delay getting there and spotting dolphins on the way back. 100 minutes. Exchanging money: Fail. The money dude was gone. Emergency cash advance from the dive shop. 10% fee. 5 minutes. Getting to my accommodation, packing and checking out 10 minutes. Saying the good byes: big fail. Swift bye to a few peeps 30 sec. Running to the taxi boat 15 sec. Just barely seeing the "ferry ride off in the sunset" 30 sec.
That's how it went down.
Despite this, life usually works out in the end. There are always some small mountains to climb and rivers to cross on life's path but how boring would life bee without em. Somehow ended up walking around barefoot in "Tanaha Merah". In search of new flip flops I was in a strange pleasant mood. Getting hustled by a couple of island for a small part of my life was all in all a pleasant experience and who knows, maybe they haven't seen the last of me yet.

Tomorrow I'll be waking up in Singapore and the city life. This time around I'll have a different arsenal of resources to explore it. Yes, you guys are absolutely right. I'm bringing a damn good tan and new flip flops. Singapore, Watch out.

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