Friday, July 29, 2011

Getting in a strangers car

There are no great adventures to be had in Malaka in terms of an active lifestyle, as far as I know. So no need to venture into the wilderness and build new fortifications or anything. You know, just in case you got the urge. There is however a range of culinary treats to experience. Oh wait, something did happen. Last night when I was walking home from Geographers Cafe. As they finally suceeded in closing and throwing me out after I finally finished my bottle of South African wine I was honked at for walking in the middle of the road. But instead of being angry the driver goes:
You should not be walking  here you should be drinking more with me. Come lets have dim sum and beer! Examining the car with a quick gaze and sizing up the man I figure that even in my drunk state I'd be fine. This however was probably not true since I had half a bottle of whine + 1 glass + 3 beers. Either way we ended up having dim sum and beer early in the morning at this 24hour Chinese street dim sum place. Throwing around a mix of malay, chinese, english and sign laguage, the company was most enjoyable as was the dim sum. Time eventually cought up to my brain and a strined tiereness crept up on me as the effects of dinner coffee slowly faded away. Crazy funny Chinese guy vanished moments after he mentioned that it was time to move his body to some RnB. Me walking home dreaming about a warm shower and a bed (however mosquito ridden it may be) was the

I'd like to recommend ocean cafe which is located in the colonial parts of china town. A couple of minutes away from the old church and hosting a way more interesting repertory of sensations. I'd mainly recommend the Laksa but remain items on the menu are equally good. Some claim they make the best Laksa in Malaka.

I'm currently resting by bottom at the Geographers Cafe. A way too touristy place for my nature, or so I'd it to appear. In fact it's quite nice here. The music is nice, the interior design is nice and if it wasn't for the throngs or tourists dropping by (specially when there are large Asian tour groups) or the sometimes slow service (in western measurements (excluding places like Spain and other places where waitering is a form of sleepwalking)). The food is good though and their selection of imported beers are usually above the normal standards of Malaya watering holes.

What I really don't appreciate here is the ancient Chinese medicine stores. This because they are a large contributor to the hunting and future extinction of many rare animals. Displaying shark and other fins in their windows just makes me wanna cry.

Spending two or three days in Melaka is enough to get a feeling for the place. I've met a bunch of people the really really like the place and stay in near forever terms. Which is more than a few weeks in my book. I would consider staying here in one of the historical and cultural centers of Malaysia for several weeks only if I had some engaging projects or things to do. That, or maybe if you found a girl here. Since I've walked all over this town by now and the girl I want if definitively on a surf board fending off the kuta cowboys right now it's time to move on.
Until next time, at a destination not yet decided but very plausibly containing good food.

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