Thursday, July 21, 2011

That Singaporean

The state of Singapore is a well known state. It broke off or was kicked out of Malaysia and has been economically quite successful since, much to the Malaysian governments annoyance. But who are the Singaporeans  During my visits to Singapore I've me extremely few hardcore Singaporeans. In fact it wasn't untill my last night in Singapore that I met my first true Singaporean. Before this I tried a few different places.

Night life
Night life in singapore is vivid and definetly doing its thing. The streets are filled with people and music is flowing out onto the streets from the many speakers inside all of the clubs and bars. The people though are mostly expats. This must be the place with the highest density of forrigners anywhere in asia. Those who aren't expats are tourists and a few local singaporeans could easily be statistically discarded in this sea of non-Singaporeans.

China Town
Although there are plenty of chinese people here I'm not sure if they are locals. After all the onces I've tried interacting with usually had some story of originally coming from somewhere else. And the once I failed talking to only spoke some form of chinese. Hence can they really be singaporean. Official language being englisha and all?

Random people on the street
We could have met some Singaporeans here but I guess we didn't interact with too many random people. We did however find a a chinese looking guy working for shell who was most unfriendly. Maybe this is the true singaporean? Bitter, tiered and working at a gas station? Somehow I doubt it.

A house party
Americans, Germans, Norwegian, Swedish, Indian, Indonesian, Australian, New Zealanders, Pakistani, Finish, and finally A singaporean!! Ok they had grown up somewhere else. Studied somewhere else and I think lived somewhere else. No this does not qualify one to be a true singaporean. Where was that grass root singaporean who I was looking for.

After going here and there trying to find one I finally gave up. Maybe those Singaporeans that I interacted with during my time at the Royal Instetute of Technology in Sweden where going to be the only ones I would get to meet. Sad. After all I should have met one here in Singapore.
Giving up and going for a last meal in Little India close to our hotel it happened. Joking around and having a generally good time, except for the fact I the search for a Singaporean utterly failed I apparently charmed one. Born and raised in Singapore, owning a bar and having a reunion with one of his old army buddies I found him. The Singaporean. The singaporean is a middle aged man of Indian origin with a love of food. Thank you mr.Singaporean man for treating us to chocolate cake.


  1. Yes, and thank you Mr Hide super social after midnight for charming the Singaporean (Indian origin) ;)

  2. No worries, That's what happens to me when I lose control or get a bit drunk maybe. Loss of frontal lobe activity does strange tings to people. At lest I'm not belligerent =)
