Friday, July 1, 2011

Death to all the Humans; the BBM aproach.

Love it or hate it. It's definetly conquered Indonesia just as many others before it. The Dutch wanted the spices, The Japanese wanted an empire, the Arabs wanted their minds and BBM wants their souls. In no other culture have I seen such a profound glitch in human relations as caused by BBM. It's like nothing I've ever seen before. It leaves men, women and sometimes even children apathetic to the realities around them. The semi glazed over eyes as they make a stint of an effort trying to break the BBM trance state as one tries to contact them while BBMing.

For those of you who does not know what BBM is. It is the Black Berry Messenger, and application that enables cheap text messages to me fired upon the people unfortunate enough to have started to create relations with you or sometimes also the ones that have strategically tried not to.
Their slogan goes it's like they're right next to you. The reality goes, it's like they're not right next to you.

Ok now you're thinking how bad can it get. Well I'll take an example of the BBM influence on dating. If on a date you or I might be familiar with it's maybe one with not too many phone calls or maybe even a turned of  phone.. I'll try to Illustrate the acceptance these disconnections with reality have approached. I've chosen to use and form of human interaction which normally requires some larger part of ones consciousness to engage in the activity to better demonstrate the state of human to human interaction degradations without and interface to translate. The situation is a Date.

The different curves display examples of BBM activity in percentage of total attention to the BBM machine. Each color ha a label showing how well you are doing during the date with that type of BBM disruption pattern.

Above you can see the activity over time for three separate timeline and below is a better experimentation for total activity over time and how it's distributed. The area covered by the curve would be the time times activity. 
This example is just to show you to what devastation this technological virus has struck Indonesia. But why is it hitting Indonesia so hard while it's not at all as prominent in other cultures? America had it first.. There only the business people have it. In a world otherwise ruled by the all mighty Apple in the sky, using design and interaction design to brainwash this is and interesting phenomenon. Regardless this seemingly very high tolerance for being disconnected from reality or maybe need to be connected digitally might make other extreme techosocial experimentation "fun" in Indonesia.
Either way it seems as this necessity and dependency on their BBM enabling devices are in fact making, well not Androids but maybe the worlds first real Cyborgs. Part man, part machine they need both parts to survive..

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