Thursday, July 7, 2011

the Ninjas Are Everywhere

Putting my dirty flip flops on Malaysian soil I was eminently greeted with a small walk to the main terminal. In KL Air Asia has it's own airport a little bit away from everything. This is quite a normal thing. What was less normal was the amount of ninjas I spotted spotting me. It was not without trouble I bobbed and weaved to stay clear of their sneaky sneaky ways. Although they weren't that good at sneaking around at all.
I'm my elusive tactics I utilized the non regular buss to get to KL sentral. This is the place from where the airport buses will take you to the Air Asia airport or the monorail can take you into the city.
Only a few monorail stops away lay safety, my couch in KL with by Swedish buddy. This was my belief until I discovered the hordes of ninjas that surrounded Beryaya Times Square, my temporary headquarters. They where there in all shapes and sizes. Short, shorter, slim, round, slow, fast, surprisingly sometimes with colorful high heals underneath the black garments and usually carrying ninja-packs for their ninja tools. Usually these ninja packs say Gucci, Prada, Armani or something like this on them.

Malaysia is a prime destination for middle eastern Arabs who like many others enjoy the climate, low prices, good verity and religious homieness. Malaysia is a Islamic state despite only having 60% Malay (these are the people who are mainly Muslim.) the other big communities here are Indian and Chinese. Regardless the Arabs see it as quite close to paradise away from home. For the women there is great shopping to be done without having to be regarded as totally alien, even though they do look like ninjas who forgot to use a belt sometimes. I wonder what came first the ninja or the modern day Burka?
For the Malay the Arabs means, monies! It's not strange when they pretty much get's it handed to them from the government back home. If fact there are laws that require you to employ arabs when you run a company in many middle eastern states. When you do, they often don't do anything and end up being sent home since they are more in the way than not. Still they get better payed than the people who actually perform the jobs. Like the Nepalese, Bangladeshi or others. So well payed often without doing much they come to Kuala Lumpur to have fun. Often is during the Arab holidays that the great sales of Kuala Lumpur starts. This means it's also a great time for you to shop.

An interesting thing is that when Arab men travel alone to Malaysia the first thing they usually want to see are the brothels. It's time to pick up some prostitutes. Mind you this is nothing I'm making up but seen or know from reliable first hand sources that work with Arabs coming here (no it's not the prostitutes). What does that tell us about absolute and strict rules of behavior in society as a shaper of minds. Well it seems that it makes the mind more prone to just the things that is so harshly forbids. Depraved of sensual stimulation and untrained to cope with the availability of it, they go wild when presented with options. Like kids in a candy store...

1 comment:

  1. But how are Malaysian girls? Are they super ninja or do they let the paket ninja for the arabic girls? Haha, Malaysia and Malioboro = sama it seems, but still need to check by myself.
